4 star superior
The Hotel Classification is a standardised system that is valid throughout Austria and shall offer guests a reliable guide to hotel and accommodation offers. In addition, the Austrian Hotel Classification is a member of the European Hotelstars Union, which is currently implemented by eighteen European countries. The classification is based on a strict catalogue representing quality points, the Mystery Guest Check, an evaluation of customer reviews and recessions. The visit by a panel of experts, who carry out a a subjetive on-site inspection and assessment - as architecture, interior design, building regulations and legal requirements naturally determine space conditions and personal sensitivities, but this is also part of the overall picture and impression given.
As one of the smallest hotels participating, we are proud to reach this remarkable result, a lot of heart and service in our vocation - hospitality!
The Haldenhof result: 567 points achieved
The points key:
411 to 609 points = 4 Stars Superior
610 to 709 points = 5 stars
710 to 937 points = 5 stars superior