Booking information

Haldenhof - Hotel in Lech am Arlberg

Here you will find all the information you need for a successful holiday at the Haldenhof. For all reservations we expressly recommend to sign a travel insurance covering cancellation and extra costs. Our recommendation: European travel insurance. - "Hotel Cancellation Premium" or "Hotel Cancellation Plus".  


  • star_borderFQA: DRESSCODE & Dining at our Restaurant

    A Haldenhof-Holiday should also give a break from office suit and tie regulations! But T-Shirts, joggers and bare feet are beach wear and do not make for a nice evening in the fine restaurant of a 4 star deluxe/superior hotel. The Polo shirt with collar, a dapper shirt and wome real trousers belong into a packed gentlemens suitcase at least!
    Please also think about your table neighbours who would like to enjoy a special and fine evening. 

    "The blossom of the noblest mind is consideration!" 



    Isolde Schwärzler GmbH & CoKG

    (GTC) Version dated 20.09.2019

    Expeptions for Winter 2020/2021 pls find in Covid19 additions to GTC.

    § 1 Scope of application

    These General Terms and Conditions for the Hotel Industry (hereinafter referred to as ”GTC“) shall replace the previous ÖHVB [Austrian Hotel Contract Conditions] as amended on 1 September 2006. The GTC shall not exclude special agreements. The GTC 2006 shall be subsidiary to agreements made on an individual basis.

    § 2 Definitions

    2.1 Definitions:

    “Accommodation provider” means an individual or entity that accommodates guests against remuneration.
    “Guest” means an individual that uses the accommodation service. Usually the guest is also the contracting party. Guests also include those persons that are accommodated together with such contracting party (e.g. family members, friends etc.).
    “Contracting party” means a domestic or foreign individual or entity that enters into an accommodation contract as a guest or for a guest.
    “Consumer” and “Entrepreneur” These terms shall be construed as defined by the1979 Consumer Protection Act (Konsumentenschutzgesetz) as amended.
    “Accommodation contract”: means the agreement made between the accommodation provider and the contracting party, the contents of which are specified below.

    § 3 Conclusion of the contract – Down payment

    The accommodation contract shall be deemed entered into upon the acceptance of the contracting party’s order by the accommodation provider. Electronic declarations shall be deemed received when they can be collected by the party to which they are ad-dressed under normal circumstances provided that they are received during the published business hours of the accommodation provider. The accommodation provider shall be entitled to enter into the accommodation contract under the condition that the contracting party makes a down payment. In this event, the accommodation provider shall be obliged to inform the contracting party of the required down payment before accepting the written or verbal order of the contracting party. If the contracting party agrees and does confirm the booking (in writing or verbally), the accommodation contract shall be deemed entered into upon the receipt of the Party’s declaration of consent on the down payment by the accommodation provider. The contracting party shall be obliged to make the down payment no later than 7 days (receipt) before the accommodation. The downpayment is due immediately and not due to cancellations periods according to GTC. The costs for the financial transaction (e.g. bank transfer charges) shall be paid by the Party. Credit and debit cards shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the issuing company. The down payment shall be deemed an instalment of the agreed remuneration.

    § 4 Start and end of accommodation

    Unless the accommodation provider offers any other time of occupancy, the contracting party shall be entitled to use the rented rooms from 4.00 p.m. on the agreed date (“date of arrival”). 10.00 noon on the date of departure: The accommodation provider shall be entitled to charge another day if the rented rooms are not vacated in time: The rented rooms shall be vacated by the Party by If a room is used for the first time before 6.00 a.m., the preceding night shall be deemed the first night of accommodation.

    § 5 Rescission of the accommodation contract – Cancellation fee

    Rescission by the accommodation provider

    If the accommodation contract provides for a down payment and such down payment has not been made by the contracting party in time, the accommodation provider may rescind the accommodation contract without granting any grace period. If the guest fails to arrive by 6.00 p.m. on the agreed date of arrival, the accommodation provider shall not be obliged to accommodate them unless a later time of arrival has been agreed upon. If the contracting party has made a down payment (see 3.3), the rooms shall be deemed re-served until 12.00 noon on the day following the date of arrival at the latest. If a down payment to the amount of more than four days has been made, the obligation to accommodate the guest shall end on 6.00 p.m. on the fourth day, the date of arrival being deemed the first day, unless the guest informs the accommodation provider of a later date of arrival. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the accommodation provider may rescind the accommodation contract for objectively justified reasons by means of a unilateral declaration by 3 months before the agreed date of arrival of the Party.

    Rescission by the contracting party – Cancellation fee - WINTER
    valid for the annual travel period 01st Dezember to 30th April 

    The contracting party may rescind the accommodation contract by means of a unilateral declaration by 3 months before the agreed date of arrival of the guest without being liable to pay a cancellation fee.

    • 90% of the total agreed price within the last week preceding the date of arrival
    • 70% of the total agreed price by 1 week before the date of arrival;
    • 40% of the total agreed price by 1 month before the date of arrival;



    Rescission by the contracting party – Cancellation fee - SUMMER
    valid for the annual travel period 01st May to 30th November 

    The contracting party may rescind the accommodation contract by means of a unilateral declaration by 16 days before the agreed date of arrival of the guest without being liable to pay a cancellation fee.

    • 90% of the total agreed price within the last week preceding the date of arrival
    • 70% of the total agreed price by 1 week before the date of arrival;


    Prevention from arrival

    If the contracting party is prevented from arriving at the accommodating establishment on the date of arrival since this is impossible due to unforeseeable extraordinary events (e.g. extreme snowfall, floods etc.), the contracting party shall not be obliged to pay the agreed remuneration for the days of arrival. The obligation to pay the remuneration for the booked stay shall revive as soon as the arrival becomes possible again provided that it becomes possible within three days.

    § 6 Provision of a substitute accommodation

    The accommodation provider may provide the contracting party or the guests with adequate substitute accommodation (of the same quality) provided that this does not entail disadvantages for the contracting party, particularly if the difference is insignificant and objectively justified. An objective justification shall, for example, be deemed given if the room(s) has (have) become unusable, guests that have already been accommodated prolong their stay, the establishment is overbooked or this becomes necessary due to other important operational measures. Any extra expenses arising from such substitute accommodation shall be paid by the accommodation provider.

    § 7 Rights of the contracting party

    By entering into an accommodation contract, the contracting party shall acquire the right to make normal use of the rented rooms and the facilities of the accommodating establishment that are usually accessible to the guests for use without any special conditions and of the usual service. The contracting party shall exercise the rights in accordance with any applicable hotel and/or guest regulations (rules of the house).

    § 8 Obligations of the contracting party

    The contracting party shall be obliged to pay the agreed remuneration plus any extra amounts that have arisen from the use of special services by the contracting party and/or the accompanying guests plus any applicable VAT by the date of departure at the latest. The accommodation provider shall not be obliged to accept foreign currencies: If the accommodation provider accepts foreign currencies, such shall be accepted at the current price if possible. If the accommodation provider accepts foreign currencies or cashless means of payment, the contracting party shall pay any associated costs, e.g. for inquiries with credit card companies, telegrams etc. The contracting party shall be liable towards the accommodation provider for any damage caused by themselves or the Guest or any other persons that receive services of the accommodation provider with the knowledge or in accordance with the intention of the contracting party:

    § 9 Rights of the accommodation provider

    If the contracting party refuses to pay or is in arrears with the agreed remuneration, the accommodation provider shall be entitled to make use of the legal right of retention in accordance with § 970c of ABGB [Austrian Civil Code] and the legal right of lien in accordance with § 1101 of ABGB with respect to the items brought along by the contracting party/the guest. Furthermore, the accommodation provider shall be entitled to make use of this right of retention or lien in order to secure its claims under the accommodation contract, particularly for catering, other expenses made for the contracting party and for any kind of damage claims. If services are requested in the room of the contracting party or during unusual times of the day (after 8.00 p.m. and before 6.00 a.m.), the accommodation provider shall be entitled to charge an extra remuneration. However, such extra remuneration shall be indicated on the price board for the room. The accommodation provider may also refuse such services for operational reasons. The accommodation provider shall be entitled to issue invoices or interim invoices for its services at any time.

    § 10 Obligations of the accommodation provider

    The accommodation provider shall be obliged to provide the agreed services to an extent that complies with its standards. Extra services of the accommodation provider that must be indicated accordingly since they are not included in the accommodation remuneration shall, by way of example, include: Extra accommodation services that may be invoiced separately, such as the provision of lounges, sauna, indoor and/or outdoor swimming pool, solarium, garages etc; A reduced price shall be charged for the provision of additional beds or cribs.

    § 11 Liability of the accommodation provider for damage the items of guests

    The accommodation provider shall be liable for the items brought along by the contracting party in accordance with §§ 970 et seq, of ABGB. The accommodation provider shall only be liable if the items have been handed over to the accommodation provider or the persons authorised by the accommodation provider or deposited in a place assigned by such or intended for such purpose. Unless the accommodation provider provides other evidence, the accommodation provider shall be liable for its own fault or the fault of its vicarious agents and visitors: In accordance with § 970 sec. 1 of ABGB, the accommodation provider shall only be liable up to the amount specified in the Austrian law on the liability of accommodation providers and other entrepreneurs of 16 November 1921 (Bundesgesetz über die Haftung der Gastwirte und anderer Unternehmer) as amended: If the contracting party or the guest fails to immediately comply with the accommodation provider’s request to deposit their items in a special deposit, the accommodation provider shall be released from any liability. The amount of any liability of the accommodation provider shall be limited to a maximum of the sum insured under the third-party liability insurance of the accommodation provider. Any fault of the contracting party or guest shall be taken into account. The accommodation provider may not be held liable for slight negligence. If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, the accommodation provider may neither be held liable for gross negligence: In such event, the burden of proof to show the fault shall lie with the contracting party. No consequential or indirect damage and no loss of profit shall be reimbursed. The accommodation provider shall only be liable for valuables, money and securities up to an amount of currently € 7,500. The accommodation provider shall only be liable for any exceeding damage in the event it has accepted such items for deposition knowing their quality or in the event the damage has been caused by itself or its vicarious agents. The limitation of liability in accordance with 12.1 and 12.2 shall apply accordingly. The accommodation provider may refuse to deposit valuables, money and securities if the items are significantly more valuable than those usually handed over for deposition by the guests of the accommodating establishment. In each event of deposition, liability shall be excluded if the contracting party and/or guest fails to immediately notify the accommodation provider of the occurred damage. Furthermore, such claims shall be asserted in court within three years from their knowledge or possible knowledge to the Party and/or Guest; otherwise, the right shall become extinct. Travel effects in the locked vehicle on the business's own parking lot on a first-loss basis. Insurance coverage for guests' motor vehicles is only valid if the accommodation provider is the holder of the car key at the time of the damage (deposit).

    § 12 Limitations of liability

    If the contracting party is a consumer, the accommodation provider may not be held liable for slight negligence, except for bodily injury. If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, the accommodation provider may not be held liable for slight or gross negligence. In such event, the burden of proof to show the fault shall lie with the contracting party. No consequential, non-material or indirect damage and no loss of profit shall be reimbursed. The damage to be reimbursed shall at any case be limited to the amount of the damage incurred because the contracting party has relied on the validity of the agreement (“Vertrauensinteresse”). The accommodation provider excludes liability for external and third party services, which were booked or organised on behalf of the guest unless they are part of the booked travel package (e.g. transfers, ski school, ski pass, ski guide, etc.). Our concierge service is a free service and is therefore not liable. The accommodation provider expressly undertakes to consider only licensed and appropriately insured partners.

    12.4 For reservations including half-board (incl. evening meal), the accommodation provider reserves the right to provide compensation in the form of a price reduction of up to 15%, but at least € 40 per full paying person – arrangement). This compensation is paid in the event of unforeseen circumstances (in particular, illness, absence of the kitchen team, change to an offer based on room with breakfast due to a lack of qualified staff, etc.) The accommodation provider is entitled to convert reservations including the half-board package (including evening meal) to the bed and breakfast package (excluding evening meal) if the guest has dietary or allergen requirements or personal nutritional requirements (vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or lactose-free, etc.) that were not mentioned and agreed upon at the time of reservation.

    § 13 Animals

    Animals may only be brought to the accommodating establishment with the prior consent of the accommodation provider and against extra remuneration. The contracting party bringing along an animal shall be obliged to properly keep and/or supervise such animal during their stay or to have it kept and/or supervised by a qualified third party at their own expense. The contracting party/guest bringing along an animal shall have an according animal liability insurance and/or personal liability insurance that covers any potential damage caused by animals. Evidence of such insurance shall be provided to the accommodation provider upon request. The contracting party and/or their insurance company shall be jointly and severally liable towards the accommodation provider for any damage caused by the animals brought along. Such damage shall particularly also include any compensation to be paid by the accommodation provider to third parties. Animals shall not be permitted to enter the lounges, saloons, restaurants and wellness zones.

    § 14 Prolongation of the accommodation

    The contracting party may not claim for a prolongation of their stay. If the contracting party informs the accommodation provider in time that they intend to prolong the stay, the accommodation provider may consent to a renewal of the accommodation contract. However, the accommodation provider shall not be obliged to do so. If the contracting party is prevented from leaving the accommodating establishment on the date of departure since all ways of travel are blocked or unusable due to unforeseeable extraordinary events (e.g. extreme snowfall, floods etc.), the accommodation contract shall automatically be renewed for the duration of such prevention from departure. The remuneration to be paid for this period may only be reduced if the contracting party is unable to fully use the offered services of the accommodating establishment due to the extraordinary weather conditions. The accommodation provider shall be entitled to charge as a minimum the remuneration corresponding to the price usually charged in the low season.

    § 15 Termination of the accommodation contract – Early cancellation

    If the accommodation contract was concluded for a certain period of time, it ends when this time period expires. If the contracting party leaves earlier, the accommodation provider shall be entitled to charge the total agreed remuneration. The accommodation provider shall deduct any amount saved because the contracting party left earlier or earned by letting the booked rooms to other guests. Such savings shall only be deemed to exist if the capacities of the accommodating establishment are fully used at the moment the guest does no longer use the booked room and the room can be let to other guests due to the cancellation by the contracting party. The burden of proof to show that savings have been made shall lie with the contracting party. Upon the death of a guest, the contract with the accommodation provide3r shall become extinct. If the accommodation contract has been made for an indefinite term, the parties may terminate the contract by 10.00 a.m. of the third day preceding the intended end of the contract. The accommodation provider shall be entitled to terminate the accommodation contract with immediate effect for important reasons, particularly if the contracting party/the guest makes significantly adverse use of the rooms or makes their stay intolerable for the other guests, the owner, its vicarious agents or the third parties staying at the accommodating establishment due to ruthless, offensive or otherwise highly improper conduct or commits an act against property, morality or physical safety towards these persons that is subject to penalty; suffers of a contagious disease or a disease the duration of which exceeds the term of accommodation or otherwise is in need of care; fails to settle the presented invoices when they become payable within a reasonably set period (3 days). If the fulfilment of the contract becomes impossible due to circumstances to be deemed events of force majeure (e.g. acts of God, strike, lockout, official orders etc.), the accommodation provider may terminate the accommodation contract at any time without giving prior notice unless the contract is already deemed terminated under the law or the accommodation provider is released of its obligation to accommodate the contracting party. Any claims for damages etc. by the contracting party shall be excluded.

    § 16 Sickness or death of the guest

    If a guest gets sick during their stay at the accommodating establishment, the accommodation provider shall arrange for medical care at the request of the guest. In the event of imminent danger, the accommodation provider shall arrange for medical care even without the special request of the guest, particularly if this is necessary and the guest is unable to do so themselves. As long as the guest is unable to make decisions or it is not possible to contact the family of the guest, the accommodation provider shall arrange for medical care at the expense of the guest. However, the extent of such care shall end as soon as the guest is able to make decisions or family members have been informed about the sickness. The accommodation provider shall particularly be entitled to damages from the contracting party or the guest or, in the event of their death, their successors for the following expenses: unsettled medical costs, costs for ambulance transports, drugs and medical aids room disinfections that have become necessary, linen, bed sheets and bed furnishing that have become unusable, or otherwise the disinfection or thorough cleaning of all of these items, restoration of walls, furniture, carpets etc. if such have been contaminated or damaged in relation with the sickness or death, rent for the room, provided that it has been occupied by the guest, plus any days during which the rooms are unusable due to disinfection, necessary vacation etc., any other damage incurred by the accommodation provider.

    § 17 Place of the performance, place of juristication and applicable law

    The place of performance shall be the place where the accommodating establishment is situated. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Austrian adjective and substantial law under exclusion of the provisions of international private law (particularly IPRG [Austrian act on international private law] and the Rome Convention of 1980) and the UN Sales Convention. If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, the exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the domicile of the accommodation provider; however, the accommodation provider shall also be entitled to assert its rights before any other court that is competent for the location and matter. If the accommodation contract has been made with a contracting party that is a consumer who has their domicile or ordinary residence in Austria, actions against the consumer may exclusively be filed at the domicile, ordinary residence or place of work of such consumer. If the accommodation contract has been made with a contracting party that is a consumer who has their domicile in a member state of the European Union (except for Austria), Iceland, Norway or Switzerland, the court that is competent for the domicile of the consumer in the event of actions against the consumer in the relevant matter shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

    § 18 Miscellaneous

    Unless otherwise specified in the above provisions, any time limits shall start upon the document by which such time limit is instructed being delivered to the party that must comply with the time limit. When calculating a time limit based on days, the day of the moment or event to which the start of the time limit refers shall not be included in the calculation. Time limits based on weeks or months shall refer to the day of the week or month that corresponds to the day starting from which the time limit is to be counted according to its name or number. If the relevant month lacks such day, it shall be replaced with the last day of such month. Any declarations shall be received by the other party by the last day of the time limit (12.00 midnight). The accommodation provider shall be entitled to offset any of its claims against claims of the contracting party. The contracting party shall not be entitled to offset any of its claims against claims of the accommodation provider unless the accommodation provider is insolvent or the contracting party’s claim has been established by a court or acknowledged by the accommodation provider. If any gaps arise in relation with the contract, the applicable legal provisions shall apply. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – the guest has the option of viewing the data record relating to his reservation or person at any time. The accommodation provider may forward certain personal data (e.g. fulfilment of the reporting obligation; information about allergies and intolerances; to the relevant places in the house; etc.). Data on reservations and enquiries must be recorded by the accommodation provider. The guest may prevent the sending of information (newsletter, guest mail, etc.) at any time by sending a message to the accommodation provider. Credit cards – PSD2 regulation – 15.09.2019 Credit card details may no longer be saved or kept. Payments can only be made personally by the cardholder – with a card on site or online via a secure web shop. The accommodation provider reserves the right to charge a service fee for third-party services if it needs to make advance payments on behalf of the guest. Hotel vouchers, gift vouchers, vouchers provided via marketing or leasure partners - no cas redemption possible. Bookings based on vouchers are firm and cannot be changed or cancelled. In case of cancellation the voucher will lose it´s validility. The voucher holder is obliged to announce the redemption of vouchers upon request. Vouchers cannot be redeemed outside of the agreed quota, or can only be redeemed on request

  • star_borderOur hygenic standards

    Our personal standards, claims and aspiration in this topic are high. We use all possibilities given - technical, in organisation, ecoligial use of active substances - to guarantee both your safety and ours. These already very high standards are frequently monitored and extended.

    Already start with a safe arrival - our private "Check In" 
    All information about Haldenhof, Lech, international papers and more, we provide online on your device or on our Suite Pad found in room. Masks and desinfection defices did turn into fashion items - if you wish we have of course disposal masks, gloves, desinfection available.

    Drop Down Cleaning System in all rooms
    All cleaning cloths are coloured and marked by purpuse of their use. Not a single used cloth is transported to another room. RIght after use they are transfered into separated laundry.

    Desinfection and interrupting any transmission chain by well trained employees
    In addition to all obligatory HACCP training units and evalution tours in the house we have frequent update and training meetings.

    Personal desinfection dispensers acessable in all public areas for you
    A standard for us and our team, mounted at every working station and access to sensible areas - you will find now spread throughout the house for your personal use.

    Latest generation of machinery and equipment used
    Dish waher, laundry, tumble dryer, cuttlery, glass, ice,, ... - Standard H2 and H3 stand for seamless desinfection. As well we use electronic dosing systems to make sure active substances in highest efficency, but ecologically harmless.

    Highest care in the kitchen
    Even more than usual we give preference to local products and supporters. A short and trackable delivery chain.

    Documentation and control of high standards set
    Our staff is trained and prepared. We frequently develop and amend to the latest standards for knowledge and technology. At the present we install a digital system called "NOA" - it will guide and remind every single step in order to make sure not a single procedure is forgotten. This system will also make sure that all effort is documented and approved day by day.

    Your table in the restaurants
    Reserved personally for you with enough space around you for duration of your stay.

    Planned use of high quality products only in desinfection
    Quality comes before quantity - all active substances used are of highest quality, neutral in sense and well tolerated - putting your safety first.

    Use of latest technology "cold fogging / ULV Spray"
    After a departure the rooms are cleaned and generally desinfected, goods for personal use are replaced. Then the air and all surfaces (including, walls, ceilings, fabrics and curtains) will be washed and cleaned by the use of hydrogen peroxide. After this active ingredient has done his job, it breaks up into oxygen and water so it is environmentally friendly and also safe to use around food.
    Please note that we therefore cannot guarantee a check-in before 16:00 - process does take a minimum of 1 hour.


    Only with your help we can succeed!
    Personal care and responsibilty are essential.
  • star_borderDown payment | cancellation insurance

    When making a reservation, a 30% deposit of  the booked arrangement is mandatory - this downpayment is due regardless of the cancellation conditions and will increase your (consumer) protection and is protected by our business failure insurance at 100%.

    With the payment of the required deposit, your booking enjoys special protection and all the advantages of our company liability - something can also happen unexpecedly to us, that might thwart your well-deserved vacation at the Haldenhof.

    We generally recommend protecting your trip (including all arrangements such as flight, transfer, etc.) with travel, cancellation and additional cost insurance! - please have a look at: with their products "Hotel Cancellation Plus" and "Hotel Cancellation Premium". 

  • star_borderSafety with travel insurance


    With your reservation we garant to keep the room free for you as per offer. We protect you, your property, your down payment with considerable effort and appropriate insurance, so that even if something happens to us, you don't have to worry about your vacation. Thank you for helping us to meet our commitments as well. The last few month have shown, that something can happen at any time, a trip is not possible at all, or cannot be started due to illness. Please protect yourself and us from economic burdens and financial losses with a travel insurance. It's worth it for you too!

    Our recommendation:
    European travel insurance

    Thank you

    The Schwärzler family & Team


  • star_borderOur offer „More space, more time“

    For the start into the new winter and the winter final we offer this special:
    SUNDAY TO THURSDAY -10% | weekend surcharge 20% please note our special offers and package deals.

  • star_borderChristmas Eve at the Haldenhof

    For reservations based on meal plan "Halbpension" we include our festive dinner with aperitif and little christmas celebration, corresponding wines and table drinks includes; many little  surprises and more...
    We will amend pricing to age of children joining the party.
    For all reservation departing prior 28th December, the lower Christmas rate applies!

  • star_borderNew Years Eve at the Haldenhof

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: displayed pricing is only valid for bookings according to the regular holiday rhythm (arrival/departures friday/saturday/sunday). For individual and different travel dates requested we will do our best to give same rates and terms, as we are depending on connecting bookings without exeption during this high season period, so rates will be ammended. 

    Fine Dîner incl. cocktail party, music, wine and table drinks, champagne, brunch on New Year's Day and more inclusive with half board arrangement booked!

    Attention: NO FIRE WORKS

    • fire works are officially prohibited by law since 01st December 2020 (to protect the envirnonment & wild life)
    • public highlights for New Year´s Night or the show in Zürs are projected and planned by the tourist board



  • star_borderHalf Baord in Summer

    In Summer we reserve that our restaurant might be closed one evening. In the afternoon we invite you for a nice home made cake. 


    Please let us know about any allergies and intolerances when you make your reservation. We take this very seriously so that you can enjoy your holidays without any symptoms. Since we cook fresh, we always need to plan the goods in advance and therefore we cannot react at short notice (also applies to dietary requests or special diets such as vegan or vegetarian). 


    in Winter:
    breakfast á la carte and buffet, enjoy a wide selection of cold and warm dishes freshly made on order; afternoon hearty snack and home made sweets; every evening we will spoil you with a changing menu incl. choice among courses. 

    in Summer:
    Continental Breakfast with buffet and a little breakfast menu, egg-dishes to order; homemade cakes in the afternoon, fine set evening menu daily changing (please note, that alternative orders will be charged á la Carte)
    In summer, the restaurant is closed one day a week!


    Reservation "Room with breakfast"
    Reduction € 20 per person and night

    Reservation "Room only"
    Reduction € 50 per person and night

    Our Restaurant "Angelika Kauffmann Stube" and our Spuntino Alpino served in the Bar "Sammelplatz" are available á la Carte.


    Free to guest staying at the Haldenhof:
    Use of our cosy and exclusive Spa "s´Hofbädle", all amenities Haldenhof does offer (Wifi, Cable-TV, international papers and magazines, Haldenhof-Suite-Pad, Concierge-Services, luggague service, Valet-Parking, sunny garden with deck chairs, bathrobe and slippers, ecological cosmetic products in room, and many more....).



    If you decide to enjoy our fine dining set menus at short notice
    starting € 48 per adult | children up to 14 years € 25
    Winter Gala Dîner starting € 62


    Reduction of € 40 from the standard occupancy price


    0-3 years  fixed rate in Summer € 20 and in Winter € 30 | 04-14 years -50% | adults from 14 years -40%

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir diese für Kinder empfehlen (vollwertige Rollaway-Betten sind nur teilweise möglich), hochwertige Sofabetten.

    Please note our recommendation: ideal for children as mostly high quality sofa beds. Full rollaway-beds are only possible in limited rooms.

  • star_borderPETS – ON REQUEST ONLY

    Not all rooms are suitable for pets (allergies, children, ...) - please let us know when you enquire | daily rate of € 28 per pet per night without food | subject to additional cleaning costs | if a room can no longer be immediately rented after your departure, we also reserve the right to charge you for the damage. 


    By paying the required down payment, your booking enjoys special protection and all the advantages within the scope of our business liability insurance – something unexpected could also happen to us, which could hinder your well-earned holiday at Haldenhof. We also recommend taking out travel and cancellation insurance.


    Our concierge services are available free of charge. Be it for transfer bookings, a special occasion, an excursion or restaurant and theatre bookings, we are there for you. For your safety, we only use reliable best bidders and no cheap or discount service providers. Note: changes to existing bookings can result in costs that we need to pass on to you without surcharge. 

  • star_border“CAR BUTLER” JOSEPH

    Mobile on holiday – even without your own car. No problem at Haldenhof. Our Car Butler Service is available for your with "Joseph & Franz".
    "Joseph" is our rental car service and "Franz" is our courtesy taxi service (local public & and transfer hubs pick up and departures).

  • star_borderGDPR

    Pursuant to the Reporting Act, we are obliged to pass defined, personal data to the authorities or local government (e.g. name, date of birth, nationality, registered address)
    No further data will be passed on without your consent.
    Exceptions: Ski pass system, Lech Card, medical and rescue team, executive bodies, hotel correspondence, contact numbers for transferred bookings.
    You can unsubscribe from our own mailing and newsletter service at any time.
    We secure and save booking-related data and only named or authorised persons in the company have access to it.
    Allergies, intolerances, special requests, etc. must be forwarded accordingly in the house.
    We are happy to disclose your personal data records to you.


    Ski school, ski pass, babysitter, massages; concierge services, etc. on the hotel bill subject to a 3% surcharge. It is prohibited for us to pass on your credit card details (as of 15 September 2019)


    VISA | Master | Maestro and partners | Bank transfer | Cash

    Our account
    Raiffeisenbank Lech am Arlberg
    AT46 3744 9000 0001 4787

  • star_borderCheck in | Check out

    Spotless clean rooms are very important to us. We do our best in order to garantee a check in latest by 16:00 on arrival. Please help us with check out by 10:00.
    If possible we follow your requests for late-check-out - but please understand that this service is only possible to be offered in coordination with the front desk.
    If available we offer this service even free of charges!

    Upon arrival at the Haldenhof your holiday shall start already:
    Please just leave your car at the parking lot and see us at the front desk (arriving by taxi the driver shall just leave your lugaggue at the lower entrance) - we will take care of lugaggue and car right away. 

    Limited outdoor parking available - free of charges on reservation, if we hold the car key at the front desk during the entire stay! Please announce your parking needs on reservation. We offer Valet parking for the garage located 2 minutes walk away from the hotel (cost starting € 28 per day or night). 

    At check-in, we will need an obligatory registration of: your name and date of birth (each traveller/member of the party), home adress, nationality, a personal e-mail and a phone contact. Your data is protected well with us, but we have to pass to the comunity of Lech for registration by law. Please use our pre-ceck-in system or provide us with this data in advance, so a check in will be like coming home without the need of any paper work!

  • star_borderParking | Garage

    There ist limited parking available directely at the Haldenhof. We offer these free of charges on reservation and the key has to be left at front desk!. Our Garage (fee based) is located 2 minutes walk from Haldenhof and we offer Valet Service of course (€ 28 to 36 per 24 hours).

    Of course we can offer a reserverd Garage space as well (starting € 28 per day/night -heated, winter services, full insurance 3rd party liabilty, etc. including).

     In Summer a special long stay garage tarif availabe - e.g. for participants of Lech-River-Trail-Hiking - pls. contact front desk.

  • star_borderLocal Tax

    The local tax is € 4,60 per person and night. Children up and including the age of 12 years are free of this charge.